Boy has this weekend been busy. Friday night after my parents and I got off work, we hauled hay. Unfortunately it wasn't the big round bales, but the small square bales. This meant that we had to drive around the hay field and pick up the bales and stack them on the trailer. Luckily the guys who baled the hay helped us, or we would have been there all night. We ended up with 2 trailer loads. We got one trailer unloaded before we quit for the night at 11.
Saturday I had to work until noon, but came home to help finish unloading the second trailer. My uncle and cousin helped with this load, so they were almost done by the time I got there. I think we put almost 300 bales in the barn. By the time we were done, I was wondering if the cattle and horses were worth all that work.
This morning we put new fly tags in the cattle's ears and vaccinated them. We got done around 1 in the afternoon. It was hot, but now we won't have to fly tag again until next year. We still have 5 cows left to do at a later date. I know, I know, it doesn't sound like my dad had a fun Father's Day with all the hard work he had to do, but at least he won't have to worry about it not being done. We had a nice Italian dinner with my grandmother, my other grandparents, and my uncle and cousin.
My dad and I finished the evening by going fishing in the pond. We had a nice time even if we didn't catch anything. Either there are no fish, or they didn't like the polish sausage I was using as bait. The only thing that would beat that would have been fishing with my dad, brother, and grandpa. Well, my grandpa has been dead for 3 years. My brother is in Iraq at the moment. When my brother comes home, he can come fishing with us. Everyone needs to go fishing with their fathers at least one Father's Day in their lives.