Never a Boring Day

The world is my oyster.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Just another Tuesday

It was just another day, with not much happening around here. I took some pictures of the drag races to work and showed some of my co-workers. They thought the pics were really neat. I had a slower day at work than yesterday. I thought I almost got an envelope jammed in the mail machine, but luckily I was able to retrieve it with no problems. The mail machine and I don't really get along. It usually doesn't stamp some postage, or stamps on the wrong side of the envelope. Oh well, that makes my day that much more interesting. After work I played a couple of rounds on the playstation with my cousin. I got him a drag racing game, and he sure enjoys beating anyone that plays him. We finally got a little rain shower this evening. Every drop helps. I'm getting things together to mail a package to my brother, and hopefully will drop it in the mail by Thursday. Sometimes there just seems like too much to do, and not enough time to do it. The cartoon has nothing to do with anything. I just thought it was kind of funny.


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