Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes, today is my birthday, but it was like any other day. I don't know why, but birthdays aren't any big deal to me anymore. It seems like all the important milestones have been hit so far. I mean, my 16th was awesome, because it meant I could get my driver's license. Then 18 meant I could vote and was now considered an adult. Then 21 came and I could legally drink. I think so far, my 21st was the best, and not because I drank myself sick. In fact, I didn't drink any alcohol on my 21st birthday, but I was in Paris. What can beat that? Now the 25th one is here, and it's no big deal.
This birthday was just an ordinary day for me. I finally got my herb garden planted, so hopefully I'll have some nice herbs. I just have to remember to water it. I spent the rest of the day cleaning, because I'm having a birthday dinner tomorrow and some of the family is coming. It should be fun. I wouldn't celebrate my day any other way.
I'm sure future birthdays will be as awesome as previous ones, but if not that's okay too. I'll just be happy to celebrate however many birthdays I have left in my lifetime.
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