Happy Mother's Day

It's that day of the year when all the mothers are honored. I love to buy gifts for others (when I can afford to), but I love to buy things for my mother. She hates surprises, so I love to make her antsy with anticipation while waiting to open her gift. I wouldn't let her open it until this evening, because I was going to record it to send a video to my brother in Iraq. Unfortunately the camcorder battery was dead, so I'll just have to do it some other time. He and I have been getting her the Charmed series on her birthday and Mother's Day, because she loves the show. She now has the first 4 seasons on dvd. We also had dinner at my grandparents' house, and had a nice visit with everyone. We don't often show our mothers how much they are appreciated, so I'm glad someone was smart and established a holiday to do that. I know how much I appreciate my mother, and am always happy to show her so.
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