Never should have gotten out of bed this morning...

This will be a combination of the past two days worth of activities. Yesterday I got up and got ready to go fix fence, but got a last minute call from the school. I got ready in record time and ended up being the shop teacher for the day. Now, no need to worry, when there's a sub the students aren't allowed to go and work in the shop. They watched movies all day. After I got home, my grandmother and I decided to go check on a stretch of fence after a neighbor said she saw a cow out in the road the previous day. My grandmother went to open the gate, and it fell off the hinges. Well in my hurry to get to her, I slipped on the loose gravel and fell on the running board of the truck (It's the board that helps you step up into a truck that sets higher off the ground). I landed at an angle, so I was lucky I didn't break my tail-bone. I guess I had enough padding not to break anything. So far no bruise, but it really hurts.
This morning was one of those mornings where it would have been better to stay in bed. My grandmother came running into the house saying we had a cow and calf out in the road. Well we managed to herd them back into the field, and then checked the fence to see where they got out. We found it down in 3 spots, so we patched it until we can get time to fix it. We have another fence that needs our more immediate attention. Yesterday 5 calves found a hole in it, but luckily they came back in after a gate was opened. We got the wire ready to fix it, but will have to wait for my Dad to help. After a busy morning, we went shopping because the pantry was bare. We were so tired that shopping wasn't as fun as it should have been. The rest of the night I have crashed and done nothing. Tomorrow will be the day I learn to fix fence. I think my family has a secret goal of turning me into a farmer.
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