A little hard work does a body good

I've been busy the last 2 days. Yesterday I substituted at a local highschool as 2 different teachers. It wasn't too bad, and the kids were good for the most part. After I got home, I just vegged out around the house for the rest of the night. I tried watching the Moses movie on ABC, but it lost my interest after a few minutes. Today my grandmother and I worked really hard all morning. We are trying to get the yard cleaned up from all the leaves and sticks. A tree at the corner of the yard was cut down last fall, and we finally got the limbs and what little wood there was picked up. I even fired up the chainsaw by myself to cut some chunks of wood into smaller pieces. Around noon, we decided that we'd worked hard enough, so we quit for the day. This afternoon I tutored a cousin who needs a little extra help in understanding that he needs to turn his school work in. It might be a long learning experience. It's not that he's not smart, but I think he is lazy about getting his work in. Tonight not much is going on. I made a cd of pictures to send to my brother. I'm also in the process of making a dvd of home movie clips to send to him to let him know we miss him and think of him while he's in Iraq. Unless school calls tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be hard at work doing things around the yard. I'll be so happy when everything is caught up, if it ever is.
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