Something I'd never seen before....

The weather fooled me today. It looked nice and sunny, but when I stepped outside the wind chilled me to the bone. It was windy and chilly today. I went to a soccer game this morning and found out that I wasn't wearing warm enough clothes. Somehow I managed to survive :-) This afternoon I attended a wedding of a sister-in-law to one of my cousins. The main color theme was camouflaged. Now, I know that this might sound weird and not very appealing, but the camouflage was actually okay. The flower girl's dress was made entirely of the camouflage with tan ribbons to accent it. I found myself liking her dress. I never thought I'd say that the bridesmaids dresses could have used more camouflage. They were made of a pale green top and a pale green skirt with the camouflage running through the skirt. I thought it would have looked better if they'd wore full camouflage skirts with the pale tops with a camouflage band running around the top of the top. It was a nice wedding. Afterwards, my grandmother and I came home and started cleaning and cooking. We are having a family dinner tomorrow, so this gave me motivation to clean. I don't want anyone saying we never pick up after ourselves. On a surprise visit, they'd find out that we usually don't.
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