Never a Boring Day

The world is my oyster.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Very Tiresome Day

I had one of those days where I didn't do a lot, but what I did was hard work. Shade trees are nice to have for the hot Missouri summer days, but they also shed a lot of leaves in time for spring cleanup. I spent most of the morning doing odd jobs around the farm. My grandmother and I turned a gate, that was on upside down, right-side up and fixed the gate latch. We then spent a great deal of the day raking leaves out of the flower bed and front yard and burning them. There's an old saying that smoke follows beauty, so I must be drop dead gorgeous, because I couldn't get away from the smoke no matter which way I turned. To finish out the beautiful spring day, I cleaned half of the barn out. There is a bunch of loose hay on the floor, so I swept some of it out for the cows to munch on. As if that wasn't enough to do, Nan and I went to town this evening to grocery shop. You know you've worked hard when shopping isn't very appealing.


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