Friday Fun

None of the schools called today, so I spent the morning working around the farm. I tried to fire up the chainsaw to cut up some tree branches, but I couldn't get it started. I'm going to have my Dad show me how. He always makes it look so easy, so I don't know what the trick is. Instead of that I helped my grandmother rake up leaves and sticks to put on the burn pile. I finished out the morning putting out mole poison. You can't walk around the front yard without tripping over mole mounds, so I'm trying to get rid of as many of the critters as possible. They are nuisance, and are destroying the yard. I'm afraid they'll move to the garden next. I checked on my herbs I'm growing in seed trays before planting them outside, and they are growing quite nicely. I learned the trick of mixing the super small seeds with sand and sprinkling the mixture over the seed trays. This trick works very well, and I have seedlings sprouting. After working hard all morning, we decided to go to town. While there, I found some pink material to make an Easter dress out of. Hopefully it will turn out nice. We also bought the cat some kitty treats, which he absolutely loved. I rounded out the evening watching TV with my mother.
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