Happy Easter!

This morning started out earlier than usual for me. I was up by 6 a.m. in order to get ready for sunrise service. There are only 3 churches in town, and every year they have a community sunrise service. They alternate the service every year so it is in a different church each year. It was nice to see the church full this morning with various denominations. After a good service, we had a breakfast, and I saw a lot of people I knew. I got several compliments on my outfit. My grandmother made me a beautiful butterfly jacket out of pink silky material. We got pink material to make a dress that we thought would match, but after trying them on together they didn't look right. A couple of days ago we found some blue material, so on Friday night and Saturday morning she worked on a blue dress. The finished product was gorgeous. I ended up not wearing the jacket to regular church service, because by then it had warmed up too much outside to be comfortable in a jacket. After church, I spent the afternoon with my parents. Tonight we had dinner at my other grandparents house. All in all, it was a good day.
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