Building an Herb garden

I'm trying to get back in the habit of posting everyday. Lately I've been lazy, and not posting anything. This might be good, since I don't really do anything interesting. Today I got in and worked outside really hard this morning since we are supposed to get rain for the next 2 days. A cousin helped me unload 80 lbs. bags of concrete out of my grandmother's truck. I'm not sure how many bags there were, but I do know that they were heavy. We then loaded posts in the back of the farm truck to use for an herb bed. I love to cook with herbs, so I decided to grow my own. We got the posts put in place and I filled it with dirt. After we got that situated, he helped me hook a chain to an old rotten electric pole that fell in the yard, and I dragged it to a burn pile in the field across the road. After doing all this, we decided that we'd worked hard enough for one day, so we cleaned up and went to town to do some shopping and eat out. We also took 2 of my cousins home, but still have one staying with us until Monday. The kids sure do like to visit with Nanny on her farm.
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