Never a Boring Day

The world is my oyster.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sailing with Pirates Again

While in Tulsa, my uncles, cousins, and I went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. This was an experience all in itself. It was a huge theater filled with true fans. I think half the crowd was dressed as pirates. You have to understand that I live in a rural area. I don't see a lot of originality in wardrobes around here. Everyone dresses 'normal'. Sure, there are the different clicks at the school, like goths, preps, country, etc, but no one parades around in costume unless it is Halloween or Homecoming. Every time Captain Jack Sparrow came on the screen, the crowd erupted in cheers and screams. I enjoyed the movie and think it was the best of the three. Since my brother hasn't seen it, I think we'll go sometime this week. Maybe this time I'll be able to hear the movie. I also doubt I'll see any pirates in the audience, but who knows what surprises will be in store.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Graduation Season

I've just returned home from a very long and busy weekend. My cousin on my mom's side graduated from high school last Thurs. night, so we went to Tulsa for the weekend. It was fun going and spending time with family that I only see a few times a year. It's only about a 4 hour car trip, which isn't bad at all. On the way down, we stopped at the arch across the highway. As you might have guessed, there was a McDonald's inside where I started my Shrek glass collection. The only one I didn't get over the weekend was the donkey glass, but I ordered it on eBay as soon as I got home.

There were a total of 68 kids in my cousin's class, which made for a long evening when they announced different things for each senior (like where he/she was going to college, who he/she would like to thank, etc...). The coolest thing about the whole evening was the bag pipe band the led the procession/recession.

On Friday my uncle took us to Jenks to do some antique shopping. I found a store called Peace Frog Store where found some cool frog shirts for my grandpa and cousin.

We spent the rest of the weekend visiting and shopping at the mall and a Super Target. My mom hadn't been to a Super Target, so we had to take her.

When I got home Sunday (my birthday), my grandmother told me the cat got trapped in my room for a day and a half before he was missed, and crapped. She didn't clean it up, why I don't know. Luckily, he chose the middle of the floor where it could be easily spotted. Needless to say it was the worst birthday present I've received to this date.

Today I unpacked and cleaned on the house. It's almost spotless, or as spotless as it will ever be :-)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Been A Long Time Gone...

To quote a favorite band of mine, it has been a long time. I recently looked at my blog, and realized that so far I've averaged a post a month. So from now on, I'll try to do better. I've been busy lately. On the weekends we've been fixing fence and cleaning up limbs. The farm is starting to look better.

Last week I got my hair cut and colored. It is scarlet with blonde streaks. I like the color, but will probably go toward a brownish-red. The scarlet looks purple under the lights at work. I've received a lot of complements. It is sure a change from my natural blonde color.

I am keeping close tabs on Dancing With the Stars. I am a big fan of Apollo Ohno, and I really hope he wins. I'll also be glad when Billy Ray leaves. He can't dance, but he sure tries. It's also fun when my worlds combine. Meat Loaf actually performed on the results show last night. He is one act that I'd love to see in concert.

The weather has finally warmed up. It has been a wet spring so far. The news reported that the drought for this area has ended and hopefully it will stay that way.

I switched cell phone providers, so now I can actually use my phone. Not to worry for those who have my number; it remains the same.

I finally watched Happy Feet. It was really funny. Robin Williams is at his best doing at least 2 different voices. I might eventually get the soundtrack if there is one.

Well enough ramblings for one day. Until next time....