Starting off the new year right

Yes, it has been a while since I've been here. I admit that I've become lazy, but I am trying to fix that. The holiday season is finally over thank goodness. I love my family, but I'm happy that the craziness is over. My cousin and I decorated my Nan's house. We put up her 7 ft tall tree that hasn't been put up in 3 years. It was nice to see the tree back in front of the window. She hasn't really felt like going all out with decorating since my papa passed away. I truly enjoy decorating for Christmas. It has to be my favorite holiday.
With the beginning of the year, I decided to clean my closet. There was a lot of stuff in it that had been there well over 20 years, and wasn't being used anymore. The same cousin that helped put the tree up, helped put the decorations away in the attic. After we got the decorations put away, we brought 2 old family trunks that belonged to great grandparents down to start going through them. I've decided that I want to know as much family history as possible while there is still someone here to tell me. One of my many hobbies is genealogy. I have big dreams of tracing my family back as far as possible.
As for resolutions for the coming year, I don't think I'll make any. I'm not big on the resolution idea, and probably wouldn't follow through with them even if I had them. Until next time.
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