Almost indestructible

A couple of days ago I had a small crisis on the way to work. My purse spilled out in the floor between the seat and the passenger side door of the truck. I thought I got every thing picked up, but that wasn't the case. Apparently when my cousin opened the door, my cell phone feel out on the ground. Either I ran over it, or my uncle did. Normal phones would have been crushed in a million pieces, but not mine. The only thing that happened was my clip broke, and there is a small dent in the back of the phone. It still works just fine like nothing ever happened. Any other time I'm sure my phone would have been crushed. It makes me think of Nextel commercial about the crime deterrent phones. If you can run over them without breaking them, just think how bad a criminal would hurt after having one hurled at him. Of course with my luck, I'd just miss the criminal I was aiming at. Here is a link to the commercial I'm referring to for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about. It is one of my all time favorite commercials.
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