I'll be glad when this week is over

This is one week that I will be happy to see end. It has been a long week with several stressful things happening at once. My diabetic grandmother decided to go into a short diabetic coma, but the paramedics and doctors were able to wake her up. She is doing better now. My one means of transportation isn't running like it should, so my dad will have to look at it when he can. And to top it off, I received an email from a friend telling that 2 of her committee members for her thesis are leaving. One of them is also on my committee. I'm still not sure where that leaves me or the rest of the fellow students who have this person on their committee. I'm sure all will be revealed in good time. I'm happy for this person, but it sure could cause me problems that I don't really need right now. I did have a couple of good things happen this week. I got an email from my brother. I'm still trying to figure out what gift I will request from him when he goes to Germany in October. The other thing is that I found a birthday gift for my cousin. I'll explain about the gift when I give it to him in October. Stay tuned to find out what happens in my life that seems to become more interesting everyday.
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