Never a Boring Day

The world is my oyster.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Just call me the task master

Since I've come home, I've been substitute teaching until I find a more permanent job. Today I was an aide for a second grader that just needed to be reminded to stay on task. The more I substitute the more I enjoy teaching. I said that I would never teach, but I might have to rethink that in the years to come. I really don't have any plans to pursue that until I finish the degree I'm working on. Tonight was a pretty uneventful Friday night for me. I watched a couple of movies with my mom. We watched The Man, which was quite humerous at times. Eugene Levy was in it, so he reminded me of a friend's father who resembles him. I also watched The Skeleton Key with Kate Hudson. It was an okay thriller, but the previews made it seem alot scarier than it really was. I love watching scary movies, but not many of my friends enjoy it. My mom doesn't like them at all, so she didn't make it to the end of this one. My brother is really one of the few who actually enjoys watching them with me, and he is too far away in Iraq at the moment. So ends another thrilling Friday night.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Let the wind roar

Well, it's another night of severe thunderstorm warnings for central MO. Luckily, the tornadoes are north of us for now. Tornado season isn't my favorite time of the year. It entails many restless nights on my part. I am the self appointed storm watcher for my family. They mostly laugh at me, but I don't care. Enough of the storm rant... I live for Thursday nights when new episodes of The O.C. aires. It is one of my favorite shows at the moment. Tonight's episode was better than previous ones had been. This one held my attention for the whole time. I like that Marissa and Ryan aren't together, because I'm not a big Marissa fan. I think the character is whiny, and drags everyone down around her. I wish she would learn to stand on her own two feet and stay away from the drugs and alcohol. Then, I think I would like her. She has too much emotional baggage, and can't cope well for me. I kind of like her and Volcheck, but we'll see how that plays out. Sometimes I hate him, but other times he is almost human. I can't wait to see what's in store for next week.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Very Tiresome Day

I had one of those days where I didn't do a lot, but what I did was hard work. Shade trees are nice to have for the hot Missouri summer days, but they also shed a lot of leaves in time for spring cleanup. I spent most of the morning doing odd jobs around the farm. My grandmother and I turned a gate, that was on upside down, right-side up and fixed the gate latch. We then spent a great deal of the day raking leaves out of the flower bed and front yard and burning them. There's an old saying that smoke follows beauty, so I must be drop dead gorgeous, because I couldn't get away from the smoke no matter which way I turned. To finish out the beautiful spring day, I cleaned half of the barn out. There is a bunch of loose hay on the floor, so I swept some of it out for the cows to munch on. As if that wasn't enough to do, Nan and I went to town this evening to grocery shop. You know you've worked hard when shopping isn't very appealing.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Finally back up and running

Finally after a weekend unable to post, I'm back. Our little town just recently got DSL, so before that you had to use dial-up. Well, we just installed DSL on our new computer, and it hasn't been working properly. After a week of talking to tech people and threatening to cancel service, we finally got a technician out to look at our problem. You are supposed to put a filter on all the phone lines so the DSL doesn't interfere. The one place I forgot to look was the back of the satelite receiver. Well, once that was fixed the DSL seems to be working much better. The rest of my day was filled with doing little odd jobs around the house. I helped my grandmother transplant some roses to my parents' yard. We also planted some herbs in trays to get them ready to plant outside. I'll be so glad when the weather warms up and spring finally arrives.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Random News of the Day

So this blog is probably the most boring blog out there in cyber-world. I'm just a very boring person. Today I helped a 6 year old pick out new shoes. Let me tell you, I think I had more fun than she did. We found some shoes that had some Disney princesses on them, and lit up. It almost made me wish that they made these shoes in my size. I'm always a sucker for Disney, especially any thing with Belle from Beauty and the Beast. My night was less exciting. Since most of my friends live elsewhere and I don't hang out with those whom I went to high school with, my Friday nights aren't very entertaining. The most entertainment my Friday night had was helping my Dad put hay out for the cows. Not much scares me, but put me in the middle of adult cows hungry for hay and that makes me a little uneasy. We usually feed the cows large round bales, but we are trying to use up some small square bales that are getting pretty old. This requires spreading the bales out and cutting the strings so the cows don't eat them. When the first bale hit the ground, I was surrounded by 10 gigantic cows all hungry for some hay. They finally dispersed after we spread all the hay out. I spent the rest of my evening watching the end of The O.C. Season 1 with my mom. I love this show, and have managed to get her addicted to it also. My dad even watched some episodes, but I doubt he'll ever admit to that. Ah, the excitement! But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

My very first blog

I decided to create a blog so all my friends could keep in touch with me if they so choose to. We all live in different spots with different things going on, and it's hard to keep in touch all the time. Hopefully no one gets too bored. I just moved back home to work on my thesis. It's the only thing keeping me from a graduate degree. Hopefully I will get it done. Anyone who is a grad student knows that this can be the worst part of grad school. Hopefully future posts will be more interesting than this one.