Sailing with Pirates Again

While in Tulsa, my uncles, cousins, and I went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. This was an experience all in itself. It was a huge theater filled with true fans. I think half the crowd was dressed as pirates. You have to understand that I live in a rural area. I don't see a lot of originality in wardrobes around here. Everyone dresses 'normal'. Sure, there are the different clicks at the school, like goths, preps, country, etc, but no one parades around in costume unless it is Halloween or Homecoming. Every time Captain Jack Sparrow came on the screen, the crowd erupted in cheers and screams. I enjoyed the movie and think it was the best of the three. Since my brother hasn't seen it, I think we'll go sometime this week. Maybe this time I'll be able to hear the movie. I also doubt I'll see any pirates in the audience, but who knows what surprises will be in store.